Weekly Summary

Welcome to our AI-generated Weekly Summary topic! :partying_face:

This is the topic where a weekly summary of meta’s activity is put together by our resident AI, trusty 'ol Bert, and posted here so everyone can get an overview of some of the top discussions over the past 7 days.

It’s set to fire every week at Sunday 21:00

If you’d like to get a ping whenever a new one is posted just set this topic to Watching (and if you change your mind, change it back :slight_smile:).

Much like the daily summary, feedback is certainly most welcome. We’ll be tweaking and refining the idea as we go, so all input is encouraged. We do have a separate topic for that to keep this one just for summaries, but you can find that here - Weekly Summary Feedback

Enjoy! :slight_smile:

:warning: Small caveat… AI (even GPT-4) does hallucinate, it is unavoidable. Don’t treat everything it says as truth, as there will likely be some lies mixed in. We’ll try to manually correct any if we spot them, but still… keep an eye out. :eyes:


This week on meta.discourse.org

Key Stats

  • Total New Posts: 703
  • Total New Topics: 109

Top Users

Interesting Topics


  • What about medium tech?: A discussion on how to make non-technical people aware of alternatives to Facebook and Twitter. simon initiated the conversation, and various users contributed their thoughts on the challenges and potential solutions.



Activity by the @team Group

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again next week! :slight_smile:

This week on meta.discourse.org

Key Stats

  • Total New Posts: 900
  • Total New Topics: 130

Top Users

Interesting Topics


  • Member psychology - outspoken member who wants to leave but doesn’t actually leave: Jumanji discussed a member who repeatedly requests account deletion but continues to engage actively. Read more


  • Polls causing issues: merefield raised a PR to fix issues with polls, including image display problems. Read more
  • Table editor breaks embedded images: lindsey reported that the table editor drops escape characters, breaking images. Read more
  • Forum gone haywire - possibly after upgrade: JammyDodger suggested Cloudflare auto-minify as a potential cause. Read more
  • Polls with markup show html tags: merefield noted this issue and a fix was merged. Read more
  • Random number shows up for “Primary Group” dropdown: davidb fixed this issue. Read more


  • Does anyone use chat on their site?: HAWK and sam discussed the benefits and configuration of native chat. Read more
  • Blocking recent wave of spam: JammyDodger and Firepup650 shared strategies for handling spam. Read more
  • Publishing posts from fake users: HAWK advised against creating fake accounts for content. Read more
  • How are these subcategories displayed on meta?: Moin provided guidance on subcategory display settings. Read more
  • Can’t find Upgrade Discourse button after last upgrade: JammyDodger helped resolve this issue by checking Cloudflare settings. Read more
  • Deleting all posts in personal message not working: JammyDodger explained the behavior of soft-deleted posts. Read more
  • Running multiple things on the same server as my Pi (where Discourse is hosted)?: JammyDodger and itsbhanusharma provided advice on running multiple services. Read more
  • Where to find moderation flags controls?: HAWK and Lilly guided users on locating moderation settings. Read more
  • Using Discourse AI as a Discobot: sam discussed the feasibility and costs of using AI personas. Read more
  • Support @ or # in “Hide details” summary: Jagster and JammyDodger discussed this feature request. Read more
  • After latest update, broken subcategories layout: carson provided a CSS fix for this issue. Read more
  • Can’t embed BitChute videos even after whitelisting the URL: JammyDodger suggested adding a slash to the URL. Read more
  • Can I add color to the text in post titles?: Lhc_fl provided CSS solutions for coloring post titles. Read more
  • run_second_factor! failing when trying to promote admin: sam and Osama helped debug this issue. Read more
  • Allowed to continue liking after I was informed I am out of likes: sam discussed a potential bug with likes. Read more
  • Ability for mods to bulk process flags: not-ethan and Heliosurge discussed this feature request. Read more
  • Latest update won’t build due to AI plugin: JammyDodger and RGJ provided troubleshooting steps. Read more
  • Is there a way to default to Latest instead of unread for subcategories?: carson provided steps to change the default filter. Read more
  • Complete daily or weekly digest for some users?: HAWK provided advice on mailing list mode and category exclusions. Read more
  • After clicking on a topic scroll bar, the sidebar theme toggle breaks the sidebar when used: awesomerobot fixed this issue. Read more


  • 3.3.0.beta3: Video thumbnails, Site setting confirmation, Faster access to plugin settings, and more: Saif announced new features and improvements in the latest beta release. Read more
  • 3.2.3: Security and bug fix release: Saif detailed the latest stable release, including security updates. Read more


  • Including your site in Discourse Discover: Discourse explained how to opt-in to Discourse Discover. Read more
  • Should I make my own groups or use the trust_levels: HAWK and Kartoon discussed the benefits of using trust levels versus custom groups. Read more

#Developer Guides

  • Automating Discourse Plugin Setup with create-discourse-plugin gem: grubba introduced a new gem to streamline plugin development. Read more
  • Preventing accidental serialization of ActiveRecord models: Discourse shared a patch to prevent accidental serialization without specifying fields. Read more

Activity by the @team Group

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again next week! :slight_smile:

This week on meta.discourse.org

Key Stats

  • Total New Posts: 694
  • Total New Topics: 99

Top Users

Interesting Topics

site feedback

























data & reporting


site feedback









  • DM list limit: nat clarified the settings related to the maximum number of users in direct messages, addressing user concerns about visibility. read more
















  • Topic Cards: chapoi addressed issues with the default height of topic cards, introducing settings to customize their appearance. read more


This week on meta.discourse.org

Key Stats

  • Total New Posts: 762
  • Total New Topics: 110

Top Users

Interesting Topics


  • Why hasn’t Discourse been rewritten in Rust?
    tsk raised a discussion on the potential benefits of rewriting Discourse in Rust, including memory safety and performance improvements. The conversation included insights from merefield and pfaffman, who highlighted the challenges and impracticalities of such a rewrite. Read more

site feedback

  • What Changed in the META ToS (July 18, 2024)
    hellekin suggested linking the mandatory banner for accepting new ToS to the actual changes for easier review. awesomerobot provided a detailed explanation of the minor changes made. Read more

  • Feedback on Our Community
    wendellverli shared the launch of a large community of photographers in Brazil, seeking advice on adding a “Write a Review” feature. Read more


  • iOS doesn’t load CSS sometimes when navigating between subdomains
    pmusaraj and david discussed a workaround involving the <base> tag to address CSS loading issues on iOS. Read more

  • Sitemap issue
    Jagster and JammyDodger advised on removing the deprecated sitemap plugin to resolve conflicts with the core sitemap functionality. Read more


  • Using Custom Domain
    Eugene49 sought help on configuring a custom domain for a hosted Discourse instance, with pfaffman providing a solution. Read more

  • Discourse for delivery dispatch
    Architect explored the potential of using Discourse as a delivery dispatch platform, with HAWK and maiki providing insights and alternatives. Read more

  • How to make forum buttons rounded across all themes
    Heliosurge and awesomerobot shared theme components and CSS snippets to achieve rounded buttons. Read more

  • Discourse AI Install Failing
    JammyDodger and Roman_Rizzi helped troubleshoot issues with the Discourse AI plugin installation. Read more


  • 3.3.0.beta4: Topic view stats, Signup Improvements, Better usercard positioning, and more
    Saif announced new features in the latest beta release, including topic view stats and signup improvements. Read more

  • Preparing your community for behind-the-scenes header changes
    david informed admins about upcoming changes to the header implementation and provided instructions for updating customizations. Read more


  • Why is there no record of who added or removed slow mode?
    Lilly and JammyDodger discussed querying this information using Data Explorer and the recent addition of this functionality to the admin logs. Read more

  • GPT-4o mini landed - going to be supported?
    awesomerobot confirmed that the new GPT-4o mini model is supported by the Discourse AI plugin. Read more


  • ActivityPub Plugin
    angus and mcdanlj discussed the compatibility of Discourse with Lemmy and the potential for following entire instances. Read more

  • Discourse Topic Voting
    nat announced the migration of database tables for the Topic Voting plugin to match the Post Voting plugin. Read more


  • Distance between usernames and names in profile summary
    awesomerobot addressed an issue with the spacing between usernames and names in the profile summary. Read more

  • Solutions and cheers appear quite large on user cards
    Lilly and awesomerobot worked on fixing the display of solutions and cheers on user cards. Read more


  • Initial Activation email Not sent. What’s wrong with this yaml?
    supermathie and pfaffman provided troubleshooting steps for email configuration issues during initial activation. Read more

data & reporting

  • Trending Search Terms with Admin/Moderator Searches Removed?
    Lilly shared a SQL query to exclude admin and moderator searches from trending search terms. Read more

Activity by the @team Group

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again next week! :slight_smile: