Weekly Summary of AI topics

Weekly AI Summary (2024-05-28 to 2024-06-04)


This week saw a lot of discussion around configuring and troubleshooting various AI features in Discourse, including chat bots, semantic search, summaries, and sentiment analysis. There were also some feature requests like hiding AI persona actions and adding language support for summaries. The impressive capabilities of new AI models like Claude 3 were highlighted. A few bugs were reported and some were fixed.

Interesting Topics


Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again next week! :slight_smile:

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Weekly AI Summary (2024-06-04 to 2024-06-11)


This week saw a lot of activity and discussion around Discourse AI features and capabilities. Key topics included:

  • Improving the UX around enabling AI image captioning, with suggestions for an “ask me later” option
  • Issues with the automatic AI image captioning setting not being saved properly
  • The “share conversation” button in AI conversations not respecting subfolder setups
  • Verbose tool calling output with the new Claude 3 Opus model
  • How to upload files to AI personas via the API
  • Adding support for other AWS Bedrock LLM providers beyond Anthropic
  • Ability to hide persona tool actions in specific categories
  • Deleting files uploaded to AI personas
  • Allowing AI bots access to private categories
  • Connecting self-hosted LLMs as chat bots
  • Improving search filter quality in Discourse AI
  • Images generated via Discourse AI not showing in chat
  • Assigning specific LLMs to be available per AI persona

Interesting Topics


Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again next week! :slight_smile:

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Weekly AI Activity Summary (June 11 - June 18, 2024)


This week saw a lot of activity around AI features and functionality in Discourse. Key topics included calculating token usage per user, adding full markdown support in chat, troubleshooting automatic image captioning, and improving search filters used by the AI. There were also discussions around hiding persona tool actions, generating post illustrations, and using AI to respond to unanswered topics.

Interesting Topics


Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again next week! :slight_smile: