Weekly Summary of AI topics

Weekly activity and summaries of ai topics. These are AI-generated replies

Weekly AI Activity Summary on Meta.Discourse.org


This week on Meta.Discourse.org, the AI discussions have been diverse and engaging, with topics ranging from the implementation of related content features to the intricacies of AI-powered spam. Users have shared their experiences, concerns, and suggestions, contributing to the evolution of Discourse’s AI capabilities. The community has also tackled technical challenges, such as embedding errors and the need for granular control over AI features.

Interesting Topics

  • Why External AI Over Internal Systems: Kevin7 initiated a discussion on the choice of external AI for related content features, sparking a conversation on semantic search and the complexities of self-hosting AI models. ref
  • Related Topics Now Live: Saif announced the launch of the Related Topics feature for hosted customers, enhancing content discovery. ref
  • AI-Powered Spam: The community shared experiences and strategies for dealing with AI-generated spam, with a focus on its impact and prevention. ref
  • Granular Control on AI Composer Helper: swong requested more granular controls for the AI Composer Helper, leading to a commitment for new settings. ref
  • Embeddings Backfill Issues: Don reported and resolved issues with the embeddings backfill rake task. ref
  • Embeddings Errors: Users discussed errors related to AI embeddings and received guidance on configuration. ref
  • Missing Descriptions in Settings: Don pointed out missing descriptions in AI-related settings. ref
  • GPT 3.5 Turbo for AI Periodical Reports: Issues with GPT 3.5 Turbo not working for AI periodical reports were addressed. ref
  • Autocompletion for Topic Creation: The AI plugin’s support for autocompletion when creating topics with the right tags was highlighted. ref
  • OpenAI Azure Endpoint Support: Users discussed the support for the gpt-4-32k model on the OpenAI Azure endpoint. ref


  • Saif led the week with discussions on the new Related Topics feature and AI-powered spam, engaging the community in valuable conversations. ref, ref
  • Don was active in troubleshooting embedding issues and highlighting missing settings descriptions. ref, ref
  • EricGT and merefield provided insights into the use of external AI and semantic search. ref
  • keegan responded to requests for more granular AI controls and committed to adding new settings. ref
  • maiki shared their approach to preventing AI-based spam in their private community. ref
  • piffy and nat offered solutions to embedding errors and configuration issues. ref, ref
  • sam addressed a bug in the AI plugin and provided support for custom prompts. ref, ref

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again next week! :slight_smile:

Weekly Summary of AI Activity on Meta.Discourse.org


This week on Meta.Discourse.org, the AI-related discussions have been diverse and engaging, with community members exploring the practicality of AI features, reporting bugs, and seeking support for AI integrations. The sentiment analysis feature has been a focal point, with users like sukinova seeking insights into its effectiveness. Meanwhile, technical issues such as the undefined method error reported by Don and the GPT 3.5 turbo problem highlighted by whitewaterdeu have prompted swift responses from the Discourse team. The community’s engagement with AI Summaries and the AI Helper feature also indicates a growing interest in leveraging AI to enhance user experience on the platform.

Interesting Topics


Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again next week! :slight_smile:

Weekly Summary of AI Activity on Meta.Discourse.org


This week on Meta.Discourse.org, the AI discussions have been vibrant and diverse, covering a range of topics from AI image captioning features to community feedback on Discourse AI usage. The community has been actively engaging with the new features, providing valuable feedback, and exploring the potential of AI to enhance forum experiences. Notably, discussions have revolved around improving accessibility, integrating AI functionalities, and addressing technical challenges. The active participation of users like Falco, Saif, and sam has contributed significantly to advancing these conversations.

Interesting Topics

  • How do you use Discourse AI? Saif initiated a discussion seeking community feedback on the usage of Discourse AI, aiming to gather insights to enhance the AI features.

  • AI Image Captioning Feature introduced by Falco in the Discourse AI Plugin, focuses on improving content accessibility through automatic caption generation for images.

  • GPT-4 with Vision was a topic of inquiry by tpetrov, exploring the capabilities and integration of vision features within the AI plugin, as discussed here.

  • Can Discourse AI Plugin Connect with OpenAI Assistants? This discussion led by sam and Aizada_M delved into the possibilities of integrating OpenAI assistants with the Discourse AI plugin.

  • Community Sentiment and Toxicity Queries were addressed in a topic focusing on leveraging AI for monitoring community sentiment and managing toxicity.

  • Enable Related Topics explored the technical aspects and challenges of enhancing topic relevance and connectivity through AI, as discussed by RBoy and Falco here.

  • Random Picker Persona Options was a playful yet informative conversation about utilizing AI for random selections, led by Jagster and JammyDodger.

  • Enable AI Helper saw bekircem seeking assistance with AI model configurations, as detailed here.

  • Dashboard Report - Post Emotion and Dashboard Report - Overall Sentiment were two significant contributions by SaraDev, focusing on sentiment analysis within the community, as seen in these reports and here.

  • From Private to Public: The Quest to Publish AI Conversations Seamlessly was a UX discussion initiated by Jagster, addressing the challenges of publishing AI conversations, as mentioned here.


Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again next week! :slight_smile:

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Weekly Summary of AI Activity on Meta.Discourse.org


This week on Meta.Discourse.org, the AI discussions have been particularly vibrant, covering a wide range of topics from AI image captioning features to the integration of AI personas in chat plugins. The community has been actively engaging with the new features, providing feedback, and suggesting improvements. The discussions have highlighted the community’s interest in making Discourse more accessible and interactive through AI, as well as addressing technical challenges and exploring innovative ideas for AI integration.

Interesting Topics

  • AI Image Captioning Feature in Discourse AI Plugin: A new feature that automatically generates captions for images uploaded by users, enhancing accessibility and user experience. Discussion involved feedback on its functionality and suggestions for improvement, including making the feature more visible and customizable.

  • Support for Prompt Customization in DiscourseAI: The community discussed the potential for customizing AI prompts within the DiscourseAI plugin to better suit different languages and contexts. This topic also touched on the challenges of making prompts customizable and the technical approaches to solving them.

  • AI Personas Integration of the Chat Plugin: The idea of integrating AI personas into the chat plugin to allow users to interact with AI characters was proposed. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with discussions on how to implement this feature effectively.

  • AI Plugin OCR Support: There was a conversation about extending the AI plugin’s capabilities to include OCR (Optical Character Recognition) to convert different types of documents into editable and searchable data. Here, the community explored how this feature could complement the existing image captioning feature.

  • Assigning AI Personas to Respond to Topics: A suggestion was made to allow AI personas to be assigned to respond to specific topics or posts, aiming to streamline interactions and reduce manual effort. The discussion included potential mechanics and benefits of this feature.

  • Differences in Search Latency Between AI Semantic and Keyword Search: Users noted differences in search performance between semantic and keyword searches, prompting a technical discussion on search algorithms and potential improvements. Insights from the team provided clarity on the underlying mechanisms.

  • Troubleshooting AI Character Mentions: A user encountered a 500 error when mentioning an AI character, leading to a discussion on the correct configuration settings for AI mentions. The solution was shared, highlighting the importance of the “Default Language Model” setting.

  • Utilizing Discourse AI for Various Purposes: Community members shared how they use the Discourse AI plugin, from generating images to conducting Google searches. Feedback emphasized the plugin’s versatility and fun factor.

  • AI Bot Google Search Space Issue: A bug was reported regarding the AI Bot’s handling of spaces in Google search queries, affecting search results. The issue sparked a discussion on potential fixes.

  • Configuring API Keys for OpenAI and Google Gemini: Users shared challenges and solutions related to configuring API keys for OpenAI and Google Gemini, discussing technical hurdles and troubleshooting steps. Conversations provided valuable insights for others facing similar issues.


  • pmusaraj and Tris20 shared their experiences with the new AI image captioning feature, highlighting its potential for improving accessibility. See discussion.

  • Falco and sam provided insights into the development of prompt customization in DiscourseAI, addressing community feedback and outlining future plans. More details.

  • kuaza proposed the integration of AI personas in the chat plugin, receiving support from sam and merefield who discussed implementation aspects. Read more.

  • ozkn and sam engaged in a discussion about extending AI plugin capabilities to include OCR support, exploring how it complements existing features. Discussion here.

  • craigrow initiated a conversation on the differences in search latency between AI semantic and keyword search, with Falco providing technical explanations. Insights shared.

  • tpetrov reported a bug related to AI Bot’s Google search functionality, sparking a discussion on potential fixes and improvements. Bug report.

  • silvacarl shared challenges with configuring API keys for OpenAI and Google Gemini, with community members offering troubleshooting advice. Configuration challenges.

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again next week! :slight_smile:

Weekly Summary of AI Activity on Meta.Discourse.org


This week on Meta.Discourse.org, the AI discussions have been vibrant and diverse, covering a range of topics from AI image captioning to addressing bugs and enhancing AI functionalities within the Discourse platform. Users have actively engaged in sharing their experiences, troubleshooting issues, and proposing new features to leverage AI more effectively. The community’s enthusiasm for exploring AI’s potential in improving user experience and content management is evident through the constructive dialogues and collaborative problem-solving efforts.

Interesting Topics

  • AI Image Captioning Fun: A lively discussion emerged around the new AI Image Captioning feature, with users sharing amusing and creative captions generated by AI for various images. This thread not only showcased the feature’s capabilities but also highlighted the community’s creativity.

  • Accidental AI Caption Button Taps on Tablets: Users reported issues with accidentally triggering the AI caption button on tablets due to its invisibility, prompting a discussion on UX improvements.

  • AI Permissions and Error Handling: There were reports of the ‘Caption with AI’ button displaying for users without permission, leading to error messages. This sparked a conversation on user permissions and error handling.

  • AI Flagging Sensitivity: The community discussed the sensitivity of AI in flagging content, with some finding it too aggressive. This discussion led to exploring adjustments to make the AI flagging more aligned with community standards.

  • Prompt Customization in DiscourseAI: Users expressed a desire for more flexibility in customizing prompts for AI-generated content, leading to a feature request and discussions on potential enhancements.

  • AI Bot PMs and Sent Box Issue: A bug was identified where AI bot PMs with only one bot response were appearing in the Sent box instead of the Inbox. This issue was promptly addressed by the community.

  • Google Gemini API Keys: There was a discussion on configuring API keys for Google Gemini, highlighting the steps and challenges involved in enabling AI features.

  • AI Search Enhancement: The community explored enhancing AI search capabilities, with a focus on semantic search and the use of different Gemini models. This conversation delved into the technical aspects and potential improvements.

  • AI-Generated Post Illustrations: Users discussed the possibility of AI-generated thumbnails for posts, expressing interest in category-specific controls for this feature.

  • AI-Related Topics Functionality: There were reports of issues with the AI-related topics feature, leading to a support request and discussions on troubleshooting and fixes.


  • Saif initiated the AI Image Captioning thread and engaged in discussions on Google Gemini API keys and AI search enhancements.
  • Moin reported the accidental AI caption button taps on tablets and participated in discussions on prompt customization and locale issues.
  • Falco contributed to resolving the AI caption button visibility issue and addressed concerns regarding AI flagging sensitivity.
  • Imgbi and Dylan_Michael discussed permissions and error handling for the AI caption feature.
  • Shauny initiated the conversation on AI flagging sensitivity, leading to insights from Falco on classifier adjustments.
  • Jagster and keegan discussed prompt customization and resolved a bug related to the backspace key in AI helper modals.
  • ThunderThighs and sam engaged in a dialogue on AI-generated post illustrations and category-specific controls.
  • Don sought support for issues with AI-related topics functionality, highlighting the community’s collaborative effort in troubleshooting.

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again next week! :slight_smile:

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Weekly AI Activity Summary on meta.discourse.org


This week saw a lot of interesting discussions and developments related to AI on meta.discourse.org. Key topics included:

  • Users experimenting with generating AI image captions and images from those captions in a fun back-and-forth
  • Fixing bugs with AI bot personas not accepting decimal values for temperature and top_p settings
  • Troubleshooting issues with configuring AI image captioning and getting the “Caption with AI” button to appear
  • Resolving problems with OpenAI embeddings and related topics not working due to disabled site settings
  • Discussing potential improvements to the AI helper UX and summarization capabilities

Jagster, sam, Falco, and Bathinda were some of the most active participants in AI-related topics this week. Let’s dive into the highlights!

Interesting Topics


Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again next week! :slight_smile:


Weekly AI Activity Summary on meta.discourse.org

March 12 - March 19, 2024


This week saw a lot of activity and discussion around new AI features in Discourse, including the ability to share AI conversations via public links, a new GitHub helper persona for the AI Bot, and improvements to the AI image captioning feature. There were also questions and troubleshooting around configuring AI providers like OpenAI and Hugging Face’s LLaVa model. Overall, the Discourse team continues to rapidly iterate and expand the AI capabilities of the forum software.

Interesting Topics


Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again next week! :slight_smile:

Weekly AI Activity Summary (2024-03-19 to 2024-03-26)


This week saw a lot of discussion around issues with the Google Gemini LLM, with recommendations to wait for Gemini 1.5 or use alternative models like Claude or GPT-3.5 for now. There were also several new feature requests and bug reports related to the AI Bot, AI search, and AI image captioning. On the self-hosting front, the vLLM and OpenChat models were recommended.

Interesting Topics


Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again next week! :slight_smile:

Weekly AI Activity Summary

Week of March 26 - April 2, 2024


This week saw continued discussion and development around the Discourse AI Plugin, including support for new language models, limitations of certain AI features with AWS Bedrock, and pricing considerations for different LLM providers. There was also a new guide published on setting up spam detection using the AI Post Classifier, and some impressive demonstrations of OCR capabilities with Claude 3’s vision support. Questions arose around disabling AI summarization, tweaking AI flagging sensitivity, and enabling the AI bot in chat.

Interesting Topics


Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again next week! :slight_smile:

Weekly AI Activity Summary

April 2 - April 9, 2024


This week’s AI discussions on meta.discourse.org covered a range of topics, from integrating GPT-3.5 into the forum’s AI bot and setting up spam detection using AI, to the new AI Persona Editor and enabling the AI bot in chat. There were also discussions around Gemini Pro automation support, semantic quick search issues, and AI-assisted translations.

Interesting Topics


Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again next week! :slight_smile:

Weekly AI Summary (April 9 - April 16, 2024)


This week on meta.discourse.org, there were several interesting discussions and developments related to AI:

  • sam announced a new feature in the Discourse AI Persona Editor that allows uploading large bodies of text to better ground AI personas.
  • There were reports of the summarize feature being broken on Meta, which sam fixed by switching to a new AI model.
  • mattdm suggested improvements to the AI helper settings to allow enabling/disabling features per user group.
  • mattdm also requested a change to the AI image captioning to avoid redundant phrasing in the generated captions.

Interesting Topics

  • sam announced a new feature in the Discourse AI Persona Editor that allows uploading large bodies of text to better ground AI personas with concrete data. This can help increase the quality of AI-generated results.

  • There were reports of the summarize feature being broken on Meta. Arkshine noted the summarization resource seemed to be missing. sam identified the issue was due to removing support for an old GPT-4 model, and fixed it by switching Meta to use the Claude 3 sonnet model instead.

  • mattdm suggested improvements to the AI helper plugin settings, proposing to have settings for each feature that control which user groups they are enabled for. He also suggested separating out the context menu items into individual group-based settings.

  • mattdm requested a change to the AI image captioning feature to avoid redundant phrasing like “The image contains” or “An image of” at the start of every caption. He proposed updating the prompt to not require the AI to explain it is describing an image.


Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again next week! :slight_smile:

Weekly AI Summary (2024-04-16 to 2024-04-23)


This week on meta.discourse.org, there were interesting discussions around enhancing the AI capabilities in Discourse. Key topics included using AI to make posts more gender inclusive, providing more control over the Discourse AI persona, separating notifications for AI bot conversations, caching AI summaries, and configuring various AI features like the AI bot, AI helper, and toxicity detection.

Interesting Topics


Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again next week! :slight_smile:

Weekly AI Summary (2024-04-23 to 2024-04-30)


This week saw a lot of discussion around the adoption of Discourse AI and its features. Users shared their concerns about AI abuse and the cost of running AI models. There were also questions about configuring AI bots, getting related topics to display properly, and creating custom ChatGPT-based bots. On the development side, fixes were made to the AI persona editor and a guide was posted on how to get free related topics using Cloudflare Workers.

Interesting Topics


Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again next week! :slight_smile:

Weekly AI Summary (2024-04-30 to 2024-05-07)


This week on meta.discourse.org, the community discussed various topics related to Discourse AI, including barriers to adoption, use cases, and technical setup. Key themes included concerns about AI’s impact on natural community interactions, the effort required to create good knowledge bases and prompts, and the cost of using AI features. There was also interest in using AI for specific tasks like moderation assistance and semantic tagging of topics.

Interesting Topics


  • Hanon_Ondricek shared their community’s stance on AI, prohibiting AI-generated content posted under the guise of a real user, while allowing disclaimed usage for writing assistance or game development.

  • Saif noted that Discourse AI aims to strike a balance, enhancing writing without completely automating it, and that branding AI features carefully can impact user perception.

  • Paul_King succinctly stated the main barrier to trying Discourse AI is the cost.

  • Lilly provided a detailed explanation of Google’s Programmable Search Engine and Custom Search API keys, including setup steps and billing considerations.

  • ncaming215 reported back after testing the AI post classifier, eager to see it semantically apply existing tags to new topics to bring more order to the forum, even if not perfectly accurate.

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again next week! :slight_smile:

Weekly AI Summary (2024-05-07 to 2024-05-14)


This week’s AI discussions on meta.discourse.org focused on enabling chat integration for AI personas, barriers to adopting Discourse AI, and improvements to administrative AI tools. Users also discussed the new topic map design experiment, using Google Search with AI bots, and automating AI responses to new topics.

Interesting Topics


Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again next week! :slight_smile:

Weekly AI Activity Summary

Week of May 14 - May 21, 2024


This week saw a lot of interesting discussions and activity around AI on meta.discourse.org. Key topics included:

  • Investigating discrepancies in answers from different AI models
  • Estimating costs of using LLMs for Discourse AI
  • Leveraging AI to improve spam filtering
  • The release of GPT-4o by OpenAI
  • Installation and setup of Discourse AI
  • Issues with certain AI features not functioning properly

@StevePlex, @sam, @Falco, @Saif and @Jagster were among the most active participants this week.

Interesting Topics


Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again next week! :slight_smile:


Weekly AI Summary (2024-05-21 to 2024-05-28)


This week saw lively discussions around AI features and configuration in Discourse. Key topics included the placement of the AI conversation shortcut, issues with custom LLM models creating duplicate copies, problems with sentiment analysis backfills, and how to optimize RAG settings for specific use cases. The Discourse team was active in investigating and resolving various reported bugs.

Interesting Topics

  • sam started a discussion on whether the AI conversation shortcut icon should be a user setting, allowing placement in the header, sidebar or hidden. fokx and others weighed in with suggestions.

  • Don shared positive experiences using the Claude 3 AI model for topic summarization, finding it performs well on non-English content at an affordable price point.

  • StevePlex reported an issue where defining a new custom LLM model results in many duplicate copies being created instead of overwriting the config.

  • In a support thread, Bathinda encountered problems running the sentiment analysis backfill task. Moin and others provided guidance on proper configuration.

  • StevePlex explored using prompt injection with long-context LLMs as an alternative to RAG. An interesting discussion compared the pros and cons of the two approaches.

  • Yiffyi reported a compatibility issue between the latest Discourse AI plugin update and Azure AI. Roman_Rizzi quickly provided a fix.


  • sam was highly active, discussing the AI conversation shortcut, fixing issues with Gemini models, and investigating problems with AI chat threads.

  • StevePlex made several posts reporting bugs and exploring alternative AI architectures.

  • Bathinda sought help troubleshooting sentiment analysis and backfill issues.

  • Saif shared a new guide on using the Discourse AI Post Classifier to detect spam.

  • j127 discussed strategies for identifying AI-generated spam accounts.

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again next week! :slight_smile: