Daily Summary (9pm UTC)

Today on meta.discourse.org

Key Stats

In the last 24 hours:

  • Total new posts: 80
  • Total new topics: 7

Top users:

  1. MarcP (23 likes, 14 posts)
  2. Moin (12 likes, 5 posts)
  3. RGJ (9 likes, 3 posts)
  4. darkpixlz (6 likes, 4 posts)
  5. Andro (5 likes, 2 posts)
  6. nolo (5 likes, 2 posts)
  7. Heliosurge (4 likes, 8 posts)
  8. nathank (3 likes, 1 post)
  9. Jagster (3 likes, 6 posts)
  10. jrgong (2 likes, 4 posts)

Interesting Topics




  • nolo contributed to the Breadcrumb Links theme component discussion, suggesting improvements to the code and considering moving the conversation to the original development topic.




  • Users continued to express appreciation for the Discourse AI Helper, with MarcP sharing his experience using AI for theme components and suggesting tools like Cursor for enhanced development workflows.

site feedback




Activity by the @team Group

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again tomorrow! :slight_smile:

Today on meta.discourse.org

Key Stats:

Interesting Topics:

site feedback

  • Users discussed bringing back the AI helper for non-TL3 members. sam bumped it to trust level 1, noting that self-hosted LLaMA makes costs less of a concern. This sparked a conversation about TL3 requirements being too difficult to reach/maintain. sam acknowledged that the reading requirements for TL3 are quite high, with meta currently requiring 6302 posts and 500 topics read. read more










Activity by the @team Group:

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again tomorrow! :slight_smile:

Today on meta.discourse.org

Key Stats

  • New posts: 169
  • New topics: 21

Top users:

  1. mcwumbly (30 likes, 4 posts)
  2. Moin (28 likes, 14 posts)
  3. hugh (16 likes, 7 posts)
  4. Carleas (15 likes, 1 post)
  5. ondrej (15 likes, 5 posts)
  6. sam (12 likes, 7 posts)
  7. Heliosurge (10 likes, 14 posts)
  8. Jagster (10 likes, 13 posts)
  9. lindsey (7 likes, 5 posts)
  10. pfaffman (6 likes, 9 posts)

Interesting Topics


  • mcwumbly introduced the first edition of “Current Projects,” a new monthly newsletter sharing ongoing work at Discourse. The post covers various projects including a composer redesign, new theme chooser in the setup wizard, and other features in development. Read more

#Site feedback

  • hugh called for community contributions to improve Discourse documentation, listing several areas that need new or improved content. This initiative aims to enhance the documentation for administrators, moderators, users, and sysadmins. Read more

Theme component

  • gormus updated the Notification Banners theme component to support targeting specific categories, allowing single or multiple category selection per banner. Read more


  • A bug was reported where opening a keyboard on modal inputs causes the page to jump to the top on mobile devices. The Discourse team has been asked to address this issue. Read more

  • An issue with user fields during signup was reported and subsequently fixed. A PR was opened to backport the fix to the stable branch. Read more


  • A suggestion was made to add a new Category Permission called “Display,” allowing admins to show categories without revealing topics to visitors. Read more

  • A feature request was made to link the Sign Up process to the Subscriptions Plugin, allowing forums to display a Subscription page with membership fees after sign-up. Read more


  • A user reported an increase in spam on their forum and sought guidance on best practices for filtering and reducing spam. Read more

  • An issue was reported regarding AI not responding when mentioned in a reply to a post. It was clarified that the AI bot doesn’t answer if mentioned in a reply to a post, but does respond when mentioned in a reply to a topic. Read more


  • A user inquired about the possibility of displaying user birthdays as events in the Discourse Calendar plugin, potentially enabling cool automations for engagement. Read more


  • Jagster reported an issue with the “Create export” button appearing on the LLM page, which seems to be a bug introduced in a recent update. Read more


  • MachineScholar asked about the storage of embeddings for AI Personas, inquiring if they are stored in the same vector database as other Discourse embeddings. sam confirmed that all embeddings are stored in Postgres using the same database. Read more

Activity by the @team Group

  • mcwumbly introduced the “Current Projects” newsletter, providing insights into ongoing Discourse developments. They also merged a topic about adding timers to banner topics. Read more Read more

  • hugh called for community contributions to improve Discourse documentation and responded to various queries about the initiative. Read more

  • sam implemented basic support for o1-preview & o1-mini LLMs in the discourse-ai plugin and provided information about embeddings storage. Read more Read more

  • lindsey announced plans to implement threading in DMs and group chats, addressed a design oversight in official warnings, and asked the team to fix a mobile UI issue. Read more Read more Read more

  • pmusaraj was mentioned in discussions about the Discourse Hub app and its compatibility issues. Read more

  • joffreyjaffeux was also mentioned regarding the Discourse Hub app issues. Read more

  • david provided guidance on resolving site glitches related to Cloudflare’s Auto Minify feature. Read more

  • maiki expressed appreciation for the new “Current Projects” newsletter. Read more

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again tomorrow! :slight_smile:

Today on meta.discourse.org

Key Stats

  • New posts: 170
  • New topics: 22

Top users:

  1. Moin (31 likes, 16 posts)
  2. Lilly (25 likes, 11 posts)
  3. merefield (24 likes, 9 posts)
  4. ondrej (16 likes, 5 posts)
  5. oga (9 likes, 14 posts)

Interesting Topics





#Site Management



Theme Component


Activity by the @team Group

Lilly was particularly active, providing support and insights across multiple topics. They offered guidance on configuring post notices, explained desktop category page style settings, and helped troubleshoot issues with the Reply TextArea size.

mcwumbly shared updates on the current projects, addressing questions about instant search experiments and the converter framework development.

sam discussed potential improvements for related topics display and provided information on RAG capacities of discourse-ai.

hugh made improvements to the documentation on creating consistent admin interfaces, addressing feedback and making necessary corrections.

awesomerobot offered guidance on setting up a feature request forum with upvotes and comments, suggesting the use of the Topic Voting plugin.

keegan announced a fix for the AI helper issue on iPad DiscourseHub.

tgxworld identified and provided a fix for an issue causing slow updates during Discourse version upgrades.

joffreyjaffeux acknowledged an identified fix for a chat message sending issue, noting it would take some time to implement.

fzngagan responded to feedback on a feature request for adding more data in user approval.

supermathie offered advice on generating login links and suggested ways to improve user experience during redirects.

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again tomorrow! :slight_smile:

Today on meta.discourse.org

Key Stats:

Interesting Topics:





Theme component


  • There was continued interest in the Rich Text Editor Plugin, with a user sharing details via DM for further assistance.


Activity by the @team Group:

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again tomorrow! :slight_smile:

1 Like

Today on meta.discourse.org

Key Stats

  • New posts: 146
  • New topics: 19

Top users:

  1. Lilly (23 likes, 8 posts)
  2. Moin (22 likes, 10 posts)
  3. Heliosurge (16 likes, 18 posts)
  4. NateDhaliwal (14 likes, 8 posts)
  5. sam (12 likes, 6 posts)
  6. simon (11 likes, 5 posts)
  7. patrickemin (11 likes, 10 posts)
  8. merefield (11 likes, 6 posts)
  9. tobiaseigen (11 likes, 4 posts)
  10. HAWK (8 likes, 2 posts)

Interesting Topics






Theme component


Activity by the @team Group

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you again tomorrow! :slight_smile: