Installing a theme or theme component

:bookmark: This is a guide for installing and managing themes and theme components in Discourse.

:person_raising_hand: Required user level: Administrator

Installing and customizing themes can significantly improve the look and feel of your Discourse site. You can easily import and manage themes and their components through the Discourse admin panel.

This guide covers:

  • Importing new themes and theme components
  • Adding theme components to a theme
  • Managing automatic updates
  • Additional resources for further learning

Installing new themes and theme components

  1. Navigate to Admin > Appearance > Themes to install themes, or Admin > Appearance > Components to install theme components, and click the Install button.

  2. From the Install dialog, you can:

  • Choose popular Discourse themes and theme components.
  • Install from a Git repository URL.
  • Install from your local device (rare).

  1. If you are installing a complete theme, you’re done! If you install a theme component, you will need to add that theme component to your active themes.

Adding theme components to a theme

If you’d like to use a theme component with a theme on your site you will need to take the following steps:

  1. Install the theme component.

  2. Add your theme to the Include component on these themes setting on the theme component.

  3. Alternatively, you can add the component to your theme from the theme’s overview page, by adding the component to the theme’s Included components section.

Automatic updates

Sometimes the themes or components you install may have updates. They should auto-update by default; however, if they do not, you can manually update them via the “update to latest” button.


Additional resources

For more information on themes and their management, check out these resources:

Last edited by @hugh 2024-07-16T04:11:04Z

Last checked by @hugh 2024-07-16T04:11:09Z

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